Part 1: Fun and Fair – Creative Competitions to Determine Fantasy Football Draft Order

Determining the draft order is one of the most exciting parts of starting a new fantasy football season. Rather than simply drawing names out of a hat, why not add some flair to the process? Creative draft order competitions can set the tone for the entire season, fostering camaraderie and a sense of fun. In this first part of our two-part series, we’ll explore Skill-Based Challenges and Luck-Based Methods that ensure a fair and memorable way to determine your league’s draft order. As a former ESPN Commissioner of the Year, I’ve seen firsthand how these methods can bring an extra level of excitement to your league.

Skill-Based Challenges

Skill-based challenges add an element of competition to the draft order determination process. These methods reward players for their abilities, whether they’re football-related or not, ensuring that those who excel have a better shot at a top pick.

1. NFL Trivia Showdown
Test your league’s football knowledge with an NFL trivia competition. Create a series of questions covering a range of difficulty levels, from basic stats to obscure historical facts. Players earn points for each correct answer, with the highest scorer earning the first pick. This method not only determines draft order but also sparks conversation and friendly rivalry, getting everyone into the football spirit before the season even begins.

2. Fantasy Combine
Channel your inner athlete with a fantasy football combine. Set up a series of physical challenges—like a 40-yard dash, a vertical jump, and an agility drill—and have each league member compete. Rank the participants based on their performances, with the best overall score getting the top draft pick. This method is perfect for leagues that love a bit of friendly competition and want to combine football fandom with some real-world action.

3. Madden Tournament
For leagues full of gamers, a Madden NFL tournament is an ideal way to determine draft order. Set up a bracket-style competition and have each league member pick an NFL team to compete with. The winner of the tournament gets the first pick, and the order follows based on tournament results. This method is both engaging and on-theme, allowing everyone to flex their football strategy muscles in a virtual setting.

4. Paper Football Tournament
Bring back a childhood classic with a paper football tournament. Set up a mini-tournament where players flick a folded paper football across a table, aiming for the edge to score a touchdown. Rank the players based on their performance, with the top scorer getting the first draft pick. This method is simple, nostalgic, and a lot of fun—perfect for a light-hearted way to determine draft order.

5. Cornhole Championship
Cornhole, the beloved backyard game, is a great way to add some fun to your draft order process. Organize a cornhole tournament where league members compete in pairs or individually. The winner(s) earn the right to choose their draft position first, followed by the runner-up, and so on. This method brings everyone together for a day of competition and camaraderie, setting the perfect tone for the season ahead.

Luck-Based Methods

For those who prefer a more random approach, luck-based methods can add an element of suspense and surprise to determining the draft order. These methods ensure that everyone has an equal chance, regardless of skill or knowledge.

6. Lottery Draw
One of the simplest and most straightforward methods is a lottery draw. Write each league member’s name on a slip of paper and place them in a hat. Draw names one by one, with the first name drawn getting the first pick and so on. This method is pure luck and adds an element of suspense as each name is revealed, making it a great option for leagues that value fairness and unpredictability.

7. Horse Race Bet
For a more creative twist, have each league member choose a horse in a live or simulated horse race. The order of finish in the race determines the draft order. This method adds an exciting element of chance and gives everyone a rooting interest in the race, making for an entertaining and unpredictable way to set your draft order.

8. Bingo Battle
Organize a bingo game where each league member gets a card and the numbers are drawn randomly. The first person to get bingo earns the first draft pick, and the game continues until all draft spots are determined. This method is both random and engaging, as it keeps everyone involved until the very end.

9. Random Number Generator
Use a random number generator to assign each league member a number from 1 to 100. The closest number to the randomly generated number gets the first pick, and the order continues based on proximity. This method is quick, easy, and completely luck-based, ensuring a fair and unbiased draft order.

10. Card Draw
In this classic luck-based method, each league member draws a card from a shuffled deck. The highest card drawn earns the first pick, with the order following based on card rank. This method is simple and effective, adding a bit of suspense to the process without requiring any special setup or equipment.

Conclusion: The Thrill of Skill and the Luck of the Draw

Whether you choose to determine your draft order through skill-based challenges or luck-based methods, the key is to make the process enjoyable and engaging for all league members. If you truly want to take your league to the next level, be sure to check out our 100 Ways to Set Your Draft Order in Fantasy Football resource! The link is below. These creative ideas not only set the tone for the season but also bring an extra layer of excitement to your league. In Part 2 of this series, we’ll explore Entertainment-Based and Event-Based methods—ideas that turn draft order determination into a full-fledged event. Stay tuned for more ways to elevate your fantasy football experience!